A Few Words From ADCO on the Current Bushfire Crisis
It’s business as usual at ADCO this week, now that we’re back from a refreshing Christmas break. However, we are heartbroken to witness the bushfires that continue to devastate families, wildlife and large parts of the Australian landscape.
The ADCO Family is saddened that the fires have made life extremely difficult for many Australians, and we extend our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to those who have been affected by this tragedy. ADCO has made the decision to commit $100,000 to bushfire appeals, including the NSW RFS, CFA Victoria and The Salvation Army Australia.
We also thank our staff, who have personally contributed to additional fundraising activities. Prior to Christmas, staff donations were matched dollar-for-dollar by ADCO and passed onto Salvation Army, NSW RFS, Port Macquarie Koala Hospital and givit.org.au also gives a special shout out of support and thanks to the wonderful Fire and Emergency Service workers and volunteers, ADF personnel and others who are working tirelessly to protect us, our wildlife and our beautiful and unique ecosystems.