Online Careers Information Sessions

Do you have a daughter or niece in years 7-12? Are they considering career options and what opportunities are out there for them? Have them join us for our upcoming ‘Girls Who Build’ online careers information sessions and explore a wide range of fulfilling roles in the construction industry.

During these sessions, they will have the chance hear from our Women of ADCO and learn about:

•              Carpentry apprenticeships and site supervisor roles

•              Design Managers & Design Coordinators

•              Project Engineers & Site Engineers

•              Graduates, Cadets & Interns

•              Estimators & Contracts Administrators

Whether they are passionate about building, design, project management, or finance, or if they don’t know what they want to do, there’s a place for them in the construction industry!

Don’t miss this opportunity to kickstart their journey toward a rewarding career. Register now by accessing the links below or scanning the QR code in the images and take the first step toward building their future in the construction industry by hearing from the Women of ADCO who have successful and fulfilling careers.